Feb2017-Card 2-The Chariot -Toth



Where Do I Have Control?

Last month the draw was Key VIII-Strength and that set the tone for what was needed in this coming year. The second draw brings us to Key VII-The Chariot (and, yes, I promise that I did shuffle adequately). All in all this key following that of Strength is a call to learning how to navigate successfully as we stand anchored between polarized forces.

Toth Key VII – The Chariot

Stand strong as the ground
Beneath shifts in the journey.

Stand strong as the four
Guard and guide this journey.

Stand strong as the holiest
Of the Holy’s radiates out.

Stand strong knowing that you
Have control of the outcome.

And the victories that you
Bring into realization
Are no longer bound by
Heaven or Earth.

 The Toth Key VII of the Chariot speaks to the mysteries of bringing into the place of glory the lessons learned from the journey taken.

The Chariot, Key Seven, is a call to justifiable victory. Unlike the Rider-Waite image depicting a handsome young man crowned with a celestial diadem, this warrior is fully cloaked in armor, mysterious and hidden and almost robotic in position. His/Her adornment being the crab as the Key is attributed to the astrological sign of Cancer.

There is a sense of collaborative opposition that speaks to the ease of alliance that may be obtained in bestowing the healing and nurturing waters of the place we call home and family (Cancerian) and bringing it to the overt victory of an armored and assertive being. This hints at Mars energy that is comfortable in testing the limits and asserting itself, especially when what it holds near and dear are threatened.

The wheels of the chariot are large and red, a color of action and movement and the canopy is sky-blue and dome like  extending up beyond the end of sight. The Chariot rests on what look like wooden slats of flooring, The canopy of sky/heavens above and the strength and foundation of earth below. In comparison, everything about this Key as depicted in this deck is softened and rounded in contrast to the angular lines of R-W. Here, the inference of continuum and movement elevates the image to one of potential, rather than completion.

4aee28a4eea4f61fa737ab9316b9bb53   thoth-chariot








The Numerologic Values…

The Toth key of the Chariot is attributed to the number seven (7). Seven (7) is the number of opportunity and choice in what path will be taken and what new layers of learning are to be had. Having come from the space of six (6) a double trinity of harmony and balance all of the efforts that were given towards that harmony can be used as guides and markers of what additional learning is to be had moving forward.

The Four Holy Creatures

The Toth Chariot boasts 4 guardians as those who have the potential to pull/guide the Chariot and its master to those intended realms of conquest. The Four Holy Creatures sit at the front, each a representation of a fixed and synthesized state of ascended understanding. Each also representing control of the elements and their nature within us.

The Four Holy Creatures are astrologically aligned with:

Taurus – Fixed Earth – The Winged Bull
Leo – Fixed Fire – The Winged Lion
Scorpio – Fixed Water – The Eagle
Aquarius – Fixed Air – The Winged Man

The winged nature of these beings offering the vision of having risen to the Highest/Divine nature of each.

The Bull – fecundity and strength of the primal nature – ascended to Divine creation and anchored Will.

The Lion – predator and fierce protector of its pride and territory – ascended to claiming what is Divinely your “territory” and standing as king within it.

The Eagle – keen of sight and able to select for its feeding what lay below it and often unnoticed by what is on level with its prey – ascended to rising above and consuming the shadow that lay beneath the wing that soars resplendent in its clarity.

The Man – Divinity encased in corporeal form – ascended to acceptance and individuation of the personality allowing the “perfected” or one of gnosis to emerge.

The Bull and the Lion face outward, almost like bookends for the Eagle and Man, who stare at the seeker, full frontal and lighter in coloring. If we are to rise to the occasion, in full control and fully protected we must rely on the guidance of support that flows from our place of anchor and earthly roots (Bull) and the claiming of our place and kingship as protector of our Divine world (Lion). Then, we are able to align with what looks ahead as we move on our path of victory, seeing out as the heart of keen sight (Eagle) rides the changing currents of air (mind) that hold aloft the perfected man of Divine light and vision.

The Holy Grail that Contains the Sun of Life

What appears as an amethyst colored disc held by the charioteer is intended to be the vision of looking into the Holy Grail. The chalice of life and womb of life blood’s flow and strength of a radiating sun ablaze with vitality, magnetism and renewed energy. Remember the attribution of Cancer, the dynamic of home-nurturing and the sacred feminine (ruled by the Moon), and what better vision as centerpiece for one who holds the mystery of life well-guarded than that of the Holy Grail!

In the lower left corner is a Hebrew letter, Chet(h):


The Hebrew letter Chet translates to the word Fence. It is often our beliefs of limitation that bind us and keep us fenced in, no longer allowing us to move beyond the minimum of what we have collected as our base of experience and knowledge. This is also the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the number 8 being the representation of timelessness and coalescing of past and future into the mid point of the present. Think lemniscate ( a horizontal 8):


This state of timelessness and continuum of movement and cycles that flows through the images of the Chariot Key, numerologically is the outcome of a well used number 7 (the number of the Tarot Key, itself). This is the promise that if we claim control as the Charioteer, bound by the principles of our ascended nature of Divinity (the Four Holy Creatures), holding to the principles of the sacred Grail of life’s blood ad using as our armor of defense all that has protected and shielded  us in our journey to this space of mastery and control, we will have as our ally time itself and the ability to draw from our past, informing our future and remaining the one in control of our present.

In these troubling times, self-mastery and determination that
is informed will serve us well. Blessings of Control!

Read more about astrological Cancer here..

Read the Rider-Waite Key VII Post

Next Draw: March

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